About SKC
The Singapore Kennel Club (SKC) was registered on 16 September 1972 as a non-profit organization without having to use the word “Limited”.
We are recognized internationally through our world-wide and regional affiliations, as the national canine organization of Singapore.
Just like other national kennel clubs, we register Pedigree dogs and issue our 3 generation Pedigree Certificate. Before the issuance of our Pedigree Certificate, Litter Inspectors inspect the puppies to verify the breed, sex and most importantly, the micro-chip number. Those who own pure bred dogs are able to get their dogs Breed certified after 2 Inspectors have inspected the said dog and both confirm that it is the breed for which an application was made. After the 3rd. generation, SKC Pedigree Certificates are issued.
Humans have surnames. Dogs have Kennel Names or Affixes. It is a made-up word by breeders of not more than 12 letters and must not be hyphenated. The Kennel Name/Affix is registered with the international canine body i.e. the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI). Once registered with the FCI, no other breeder (internationally) can use the Kennel Name/Affix.
Competitive activities are organized throughout the year which comprise of International, Regional and Singapore Championship Shows, sporting competitions such as Obedience, Agility and Jumpers Trials and Grooming Competitions. Such competitive events are adjudicated by overseas judges who are licenced or certified by the national respective canine organizations that they belong to. For every competitive activity there are Rules and Regulations to be adhered to. Dogs competing in the Championship Shows and the other competitive sporting activities aspire to achieve the prestigious titles is the respective Shows and competitions.
Not all canine organizations cater for Grooming certifications. In Asia there are 5 countries that have included Grooming in their list of activities. Singapore is one of them. Groom your dog with confidence by visiting a SKC Appointed Grooming establishment.
Membership is open to Singaporeans, PR’s, Overseas and Corporate members. Application Form are available on our website. For Overseas and Corporate memberships, please call 6469 4821 for more information.
Annual General Meetings are held once a year. The Board of Directors, which is called the Governing Council, is made up of the President, Vice President, Treasurer and not less than 4 nor more the 6 other Directors.