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Conformation Show Rules


Conformation Show Rules

FCI Show Rules

Asia, Africa & Oceania Championship Rules

(The rules are the same as APCS. The CACs of the dogs during APAC shows will be carried over to A2O.)

Awarding of A2OCS CAC:-
The A2OCS CAC is to be awarded to the Best Dog & Best Bitch (BOB/BOS) OR Dog CAC & BITCH CAC at a Championship Show organized according to the rules of the NCO. The show does not have to be a CACIB/International Show and the awarding of the A2OCS CAC will follow the rules of the NCO with regards to the awarding of the Best Dog & Best Bitch OR Dog CAC & Bitch CAC.


Qualification for the FCI International Champion Title

The only dogs/bitches which can be taken into consideration for the CACIB are those which have been awarded “EXCELLENT 1st.” A CACIB can only be awarded if a said dog/bitch has been assessed as being of superior quality.  The CACIB is not automatically and compulsorily linked to the “EXCELLENT 1st.

The RESERVE CACIB is awarded to the second best dog/bitch, which was given the grading of “Excellent”.  However, it is compulsory to award the Reserve CACIB. The Judge awards the CACIB and the RESERVE CACIB, according to the quality of the dogs.

Only one Judge for each sex and breed carries out the granting of all awards, including the CACIB and this Judge shall be appointed in advance.

The Dog/Bitch must have earned, under 3 different Judges, 4 CACIB’s (Certificat d'Aptitude au Championnat International de Beauté) no matter the number of competing dogs.

Between the first and last CACIB, a minimum period of one year and one day must have elapsed.

Members are required to print/download their dog’s CACIB.

Click here to find out how to print/download your dog's CACIB(s).

To apply for the FCI International Champion Title, please email your dog's CACIBs (at least four) and a scanned colour copy of your dog's SKC pedigree to

Qualification for the FCI A2O CHAMPION TITLE

A dog/bitch who is already a Champion of an FCI member country, must win FOUR A2OCS CAC dog/bitch with a rating of EXCELLENT at any A2OCS anywhere within the FCI Asia, Africa & Oceania Section. A dog/bitch may obtain the A2OCS CACs in the same country to attain
this title, since some countries have problems with quarantine.

Members are required to keep track of the number of CACs awarded based on SKC Show Results.

To apply for the FCI A2O CHAMPION title, please email with the below information required:-

1) Dog's name as per SKC pedigree

2) Date of show CAC awarded

3) Judge Name (for each CAC awarded)


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