Singapore Champion Point System
(Effective from 14 February 2020)
The number of points attached to the above challenge certificates obtained at each Show is solely dependent on the number of actual exhibits beaten in each breed (in each gender) in the specific Show as follows:
Single exhibitor = 5 points
1 to 2 dogs/bitches beaten = 10 points
3 dogs/bitches beaten = 15 points
4 and above dogs/bitches beaten = 20 points
2. The maximum number of points at any one Show is 20 depending on the number of dogs/ bitches beaten.
3. The number of actual exhibits beaten to be used in the points calculation is determined by the highest level of achievement for each breed at the Show as follows:
a. CC dog or bitch – Number of all the dogs or bitches present & eligible beaten for CC competition in each gender , and excluding SKC Champions in
Champions Class
b. Best of Winners (BOW) – where the CC dog or bitch wins Best of Winners, number of all the breed exhibits beaten, both dogs and bitches except for SKC
champions in Champions Classes
c. Best of Breed (BOB) – where the BOW wins BOB i.e. also beating the exhibits in the Champion Class, the actual number of exhibits in the Champion Class
will be added to the aggregate of exhibits for the breed. The maximum Championship points attainableto be obtained for Championship points remain at 20.
4. When a non-Champion wins BOB or Reserve BOB (RBOB), it will not accumulate Grand Champion points.
5. For each breed, only the BOB and RBOB will be eligible to compete for Best In Group. However, the RBOB will not be eligible to compete for Best in Show.
Grand Champion Point System
(Effective from the 1st. Show of 2020)
The title of Singapore Grand Champion can be attained by dogs who accumulate 500 Grand Points (GP), after receiving its Singapore Champion title.
a. Grand Points will only be awarded to RBOBs, BOBs, RBIGs, BIGs, RBIGs, BIS, BIS2 and BIS3, according to the number of exhibits beaten at the dog/bitch’s highest level of achievement.
b. Each beaten exhibits equates to 1 GP.
Supreme Champion Point System
(Effective from the 1st. Show of 2020)
The title of Singapore Supreme Champion can be attained by dogs who accumulate 500 GP, after receiving its Grand Champion title.
a. Points will only be awarded to RBOBs, BOBs, RBIGs, BIGs, RBIGs, BIS, BIS2 and BIS3, according to the number of exhibits beaten at the dog/bitch’s highest level of achievement.
b. Each beaten exhibits equates to 1 GP.
*Members are to keep their own record of GP and submit to SKC office for verification in order to apply for the Grand Champion / Supreme Champion title.