The Singapore Kennel Club (SKC) was registered with the Registrar of Companies and the Certificate of Incorporation was issued on 16 September 1972. However, our history goes back to 17 August 1925 when we were part of the Malayan Kennel Association (MKA).
During the Japanese occupation, the MKA did not function. The MKA was revived on 7 October 1947 and by end May 1948, there were 84 members and 246 dogs registered.
After independence of Malaysia in 1963, which included Singapore, the Association was re-named Malaysian Kennel Association (MKA).
The first dog show after the Japanese occupation, was held in Singapore on 26 March 1949. It was an Open Show and was held at the Happy World Stadium. The judge was Mr Leo Wilson (UK) and the Best in Show winner was a German Shepherd Dog, Templefields Raffles of Roymaz.
A number of Open Shows were held from 1949 to 1964, with Malaysia and Singapore taking turns to host them. The first Championship Show was held on 18 October 1964 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and the second Championship Show was held in Singapore’s Gay World Stadium in May 1965 and was judged by Mr Joe Cartledge (UK). The Best in Show winner was a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Gregador George, owned by Mr WDA Williamson.
In 1968, Singapore members wanted a separate kennel association in Singapore. As an interim measure, the Malaysia Kennel Association was renamed the Malaysia /Singapore Kennel Association (MSKA) with two Standing Committees, one for each country. The Singapore office functioned from the SPCA kennels at West Coast Road. Plans for separate kennel clubs were accelerated with the outbreak of rabies in Malaysia in 1970. At the EGM of 16 April 1972, it was decided that at the end of the 31 August 1972 financial year, MSKA will be dissolved and two separate associations would be formed – THE SINGAPORE KENNEL CLUB (SKC) and the Malaysian Kennel Association (MKA).
Mr Eugene Phoa drafted the Memorandum of Articles of Association. Our first Secretary was Mrs A. Xavier and the official address was Suite 544 Tanglin Shopping Centre. With the separation, SKC started with assets of $11,000 of the MSKA and members’ donation of $1,075. Members also donated office furniture, office equipment and books.
The first Governing Council comprised of:
President: Dr F. A. C. Oehlers
Vice President: Mr Eugene Phoa
Hon. Treasurer: Mr Kwan Chee Yew
Members: Mr Dudley Lange,
Mrs Jacqueline Perry,
Mr A.C. Wakeling,
Group Captain A J C Pelham Groom
By the end of the first year, 1,347 dogs were registered and the coveted Registration No. SKC 0001/72 went to Mrs Jackie Perry’s Shih Tzu, Von Klebong’s Soo Par Chap.
A competition to select a logo for SKC was organized in conjunction with the New Paper and the winning design was created by Mr Lee Wai Seng.
Affiliations were sought with recognized canine organizations. Our first affiliation was with The Kennel Club (London Kennel Club) on 1 June 1975 and soon after with the FCI. America and Canada recognized our registrations in 1975 and 1976, respectively.
In December 1972, SKC started its monthly newsletter and this was replaced by DOGTALK in 1974.
The first SKC Championship Show was held on 3 December 1972 at the PSA Recreation Club under Mr Joe Cartledge (UK) and the Best in Show winner was a Boxer, My-R’s Penny Ante, owned by Mrs. Ursula Oehlers. After establishing a point system for annual awards, the first dog that took the covetous title of Dog of the Year was a Basset Hound, Ch. Main Charaba’s Beacontree Tumeric, owned by Mr Chris Clifton.
Our first All Breeds judge was Mrs Edith Cho and the other Group judges were Mr Eugene Phoa, Mr Kwan Chee Yew and Mr Ernest Chan.
Obedience Classes were started with the assistance of the NCO’s of the Royal Australian Air Force Guard Unit. When the RAAF left, Mr Arthur and Miss Jean Wakeling continued the classes. It did not take very long for Obedience Classes to gain popularity.
Social events always trimmed off the SKC’s calendar of events. The annual Christmas party, compered by Roland Nicolich, a Life Member, was a joyous ending for the year’s activities.
It is obvious that the founding Committee Members and the President, Dr F.A.C. Oehlers served with commitment and dedication. They provided the infra structure for us to build upon. The Singapore Kennel Club progressed with assistance and perseverance from several volunteer members. It will take many more such members to see the Singapore Kennel Club through the years ahead.