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Membership Options

Membership Options:

Life Membership

One Time Fee

$ 900.00 SGD

Ordinary Term Membership

Entrance Fee

$ 70.00 SGD

3 Years Subscription Fee
(Depend on the month of application. Membership period ends either in June or December)

Application Month

Expiry Month

Subscription Fee

January 200X

June 200X+3

$ 205.00 SGD

February 200X

June 200X+3

$ 200.00 SGD

March 200X

June 200X+3

$ 195.00 SGD

April 200X

June 200X+3

$ 190.00 SGD

May 200X

June 200X+3

$ 185.00 SGD

June 200X

June 200X+3

$ 180.00 SGD

July 200X

December 200X+3

$ 205.00 SGD

August 200X

December 200X+3

$ 200.00 SGD

September 200X

December 200X+3

$ 195.00 SGD

October 200X

December 200X+3

$ 190.00 SGD

November 200X

December 200X+3

$ 185.00 SGD

December 200X

December 200X+3

$ 180.00 SGD

Term subscription from the 2nd term will be $180 for the period of July to June or January to December depending on when your 1st term membership ended. Ordinary Term Membership is also available for current Ordinary Members.
A renewal fee of S$180 is payable for Ordinary Term Membership of 3 years.

Ordinary Membership

Entrance Fee

$ 70.00 SGD

Subscription Fee
(Depend on the month of application. Membership period ends either in June or December)

Application Month

Expiry Month

Subscription Fee

January this year

June next year

$ 102.00 SGD

February this year

June next year

$ 96.00 SGD

March this year

June next year

$ 90.00 SGD

April this year

June next year

$ 84.00 SGD

May this year

June next year

$ 78.00 SGD

$ 72.00 SGD

June next year

June this year

July this year

December next year

$ 102.00 SGD

August this year

December next year

$ 96.00 SGD

September this year

December next year

$ 90.00 SGD

October this year

December next year

$ 84.00 SGD

November this year

December next year

$ 78.00 SGD

December this year

December next year

$ 72.00 SGD

Junior Membership

Entrance Fee


1st Year Subscription Fee (depend on the month of application. Membership period ends either in June or December – Please look under Ordinary Membership for the fees).A Junior Member shall be under 18 years and not less than 6 years of age. The applicant, on reaching the age 18 years, will automatically become an Ordinary Member without the need to pay the Entrance Fee, provided he has been a Junior Member for at least 12 months.

All Junior Membership applications must be counter-signed by either one of the parents or guardian.

Associate Membership

Entrance Fee

$ 20.00 SGD

1st Year Subscription Fee (depend on the month of application. Membership period ends either in June or December – Please look under Assoc Member Application for the fees). Associate Members cannot take part in SKC championship dog shows, Grooming seminars, Grooming competitions, and etc; they are only entitled certain discount for SKC training classes such as GCCP and etc.

Overseas Membership

Entrance Fee


1st Year Subscription Fee (depend on the month of application. Membership period ends either in June or December – Please look under Ordinary Membership for the fees)Overseas Membership is only open to overseas members (not residing in Singapore).

Singapore Kennel Club

170 Upper Bukit Timah Road

#12-02 Bukit Timah Shopping Centre

Singapore 588179

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