Upcoming Trials
SKC Agility & Jumper Trials for June 2017 is now open for registration.
Judge : Ms. Karen Phillips (Australia)
Click here for Judge's Bio
Schedule for SKC Agility & Jumper Trials on 17th June 2017 as follows:
0830 hrs - Reporting for all Agility Trialer
0900 hrs - 158th Agility Trial
1130 hrs - 159th Agility Trial
1330 hrs - Lunch Break
1400 hrs - Reporting for all Jumper Trialer
1430 hrs - 95th Jumper Trial
1600 hrs - 96th Jumper Trial
1730 hrs - End of competition. Prize Presentation
Schedule for SKC Championship Agility & Championship Jumper Trials on 18th June 2017 as follows:
0930 hrs - Reporting for all Agility Trialer
1000 hrs - 1st Championship Agility Trial
1130 hrs - 2nd Championship Agility Trial
1300 hrs - Lunch Break
1330 hrs - Reporting for all Jumper Trialer
1400 hrs - 1st Championship Jumper Trial
1530 hrs - 2nd Championship Jumper Trial
1700 hrs - End of competition & Prize Presentation
Click here for registration form
All trialers are to produce their SKC Dogsports Trialler’s Booklet during the reporting/registration by dropping it into the individual
boxes ie Novice , Open & Master.