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Obedience Training Classes


Experience the ultimate in companionship and teamwork. Taste the thrill of competition. Join our Obedience training classes and participate in Obedience trials. You and your dog will have fun!


Obedience is an absorbing and involving sport, and many hundreds of owners all over Singapore have been hooked by this interesting hobby. The concept behind obedience training is to develop a very close working relationship between human beings and dogs, while demonstrating the usefulness and enthusiasm of dogs. A few minutes of training your dog everyday, with plenty of praise and encouragement, will see your dog develop into a real professional!


Above all, Obedience classes are considered to be ‘fun courses’, designed to be enjoyed by dog and owner. Informality is encouraged; however nothing may be included in an Obedience class which could endanger the safety of the dogs, the handlers, or the spectators.


SKC administers a test at the end of every course as part of their classes.

Types of Obedience Courses

KinderPup F.U.N. program – Don’t wait! Puppy kindergarten classes are designed for 3 to 8 month old dogs and especially focus on the very basics of training.  And, just like kids, puppies pick up lessons very quickly when learning is made into an interactive way.  This program covers behavioural problems/analysis, house training, socialization, understanding and nurturing the bond between you and your dog. We also teach you to maximize your puppy’s instincts to learn all the basic commands for a solid foundation!



SKC Member

SKC Associate Member


Puppy FUN program (6 weeks)

$ 180.00

$ 210.00

$ 240.00

$ 360.00

$ 240.00

$ 210.00

Good Canine Citizen (8 weeks)

Pre-Novice Class (8 weeks)

$ 300.00

$ 330.00

$ 420.00

Novice Class (8 weeks)

$ 300.00

$ 330.00

$ 420.00

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